Angry Birds Seasons celebrates summer with pig update
If you haven't updated your apps lately, there's a nice surprise awaiting you in the App Store: Angry Birds Seasons 1.5.1. (Note: That link is for iTunes. Android users can find the game in Android Market.)Instead of a holiday-themed update, this one actually involves a season: Rovio has added 30 new levels (twice as many as in most previous updates) under the banner "Summer Pignic."If you're even the least bit familiar with the game (and who on the planet isn't?), you know that these seasonal updates have been arriving steadily.In fact, here's a little Angry history for you: after Angry Birds Halloween scared up mammoth business last year, Rovio filled players' stockings with free Christmas-themed levels--and changed the app's name to Seasons. (Seems like "Holidays" would have made more sense, but whatever.)In February, things turned romantic with new Angry Birds levels for Valentine's Day. In March, the Birds celebrated St. Patrick's Day with more new levels. And a month later, April brought not only showers, but also Easter pigs wearing bunny ears.As with all previous updates, this one's free. If you're the last remaining person who's new to Angry Birds, the 99-cent app comes with all the previous levels as well--for a grand total of nearly 150. That's a fairly decent amount of bird-flinging bang for the buck.The question is, what will happen to Seasons after this? Summer Picnic would seem to indicate no new levels until autumn, and the next big holiday around then is Halloween again. (Unless Rovio has a Labor Day update in the works, which seems iffy. And I'm not holding out much hope for Angry Birds Rosh Hashanah.) Could this be the end for Seasons?Angry Birds Seasons 1.5.1 is available for Android, iPhone/iPod, and iPad. Editors' note: This post originally had the wrong name for the update. It is Angry Birds Seasons: Summer Pignic!